
Őslény körút 16. and Magical Hungary Nature Photography Exhibition
An unmissable offer available for a limited time only.
Discover the age of dinosaurs with life-sized models and admire the magical natural treasures of our country in a breathtaking exhibition, now at a highly discounted price. This combined ticket allows you to visit both exceptional exhibitions of the Biodóm according to opening hours, within the validity period, on a given day.
Price:6 000 FtDiscounted tickets are available to students, higher education students and pensioners based on old-age or other rights as well as to group of 10 (ten) or more.
Price:4 500 FtMandatory for children under 2 years old.
Price:400 Ft
Őslény körút 16. and Magical Hungary Nature Photography Exhibition
An unmissable offer available for a limited time only.

Őslény körút 16. and Magical Hungary Nature Photography Exhibition
An unmissable offer available for a limited time only.
Discover the age of dinosaurs with life-sized models and admire the magical natural treasures of our country in a breathtaking exhibition, now at a highly discounted price. This combined ticket allows you to visit both exceptional exhibitions of the Biodóm according to opening hours, within the validity period, on a given day.
Price:6 000 FtDiscounted tickets are available to students, higher education students and pensioners based on old-age or other rights as well as to group of 10 (ten) or more.
Price:4 500 FtMandatory for children under 2 years old.
Price:400 Ft
Magical Hungary Nature Photography Exhibition
The best pictures of the most prestigious Hungarian Nature Photo Contest in the Biodóm
An exhibition of breathtaking photographs which are showcasing the magical natural wonders of our country awaits those interested in natural beauty and nature photography in the Biodóm of the Zoo from 28th of February to 30th of March. The images represent the best of Hungarian nature photography, as the organizers compiled the exhibition material from the best images of the most prestigious Hungarian nature photography competition, 222 shots by 66 artists. These pictures capture and show the exceptional beauty of Hungary's ten national parks, often from a special, individual point of view: beautiful landscapes, peaceful moments of the animals' daily lives, or even those moments glowing with tension as well as which is invisible to the naked eye.
Price:4 000 FtDiscounted tickets are available to children, students, higher education students and pensioners based on old-age or other rights as well as to group of 10 (ten) or more. |
Price:3 000 Ft
Mandatory for children under 2 years old.
Price:400 Ft
Magical Hungary Nature Photography Exhibition
The best pictures of the most prestigious Hungarian Nature Photo Contest in the Biodóm

Magical Hungary Nature Photography Exhibition
The best pictures of the most prestigious Hungarian Nature Photo Contest in the Biodóm
An exhibition of breathtaking photographs which are showcasing the magical natural wonders of our country awaits those interested in natural beauty and nature photography in the Biodóm of the Zoo from 28th of February to 30th of March. The images represent the best of Hungarian nature photography, as the organizers compiled the exhibition material from the best images of the most prestigious Hungarian nature photography competition, 222 shots by 66 artists. These pictures capture and show the exceptional beauty of Hungary's ten national parks, often from a special, individual point of view: beautiful landscapes, peaceful moments of the animals' daily lives, or even those moments glowing with tension as well as which is invisible to the naked eye.
Price:4 000 FtDiscounted tickets are available to children, students, higher education students and pensioners based on old-age or other rights as well as to group of 10 (ten) or more. |
Price:3 000 Ft
Mandatory for children under 2 years old.
Price:400 Ft
Őslény körút 16.
An Immersive Dinosaur Experience at the Biodome
The interest in dinosaurs have been unabated since British naturalist Richard Owen called a group of ancient reptiles by this name which means "terrible lizards". This is not surprising as these animals were the dominant life forms on Earth for millions of years. Researchers are uncovering more and more fossilized bones, and we are learning continuously not only about how these prehistoric creatures looked like, but also about how they lived, what they ate and how they cared for their offspring.
Since dinosaurs disappeared from the Earth around 65 million years ago, we can no longer see them alive. However, the exhibition at the Biodome entitled „Őslény körút 16.“ brings the age of dinosaurs to life with life-sized, moving and incredibly realistic models. Visitors are invited to an imaginary journey through time, introducing the most well-known and popular as well as some lesser-known prehistoric creatures. The exhibition also showcases dinosaurs whose fossils were discovered in the Carpathian Basin alongside dinosaurs’ contemporaries, the flying reptiles of the Mesosoic Era. The prehistoric experience is further enriched with an interactive excavation site and a variety of educational programs. It is an unique feature of the exhibition that visitors can also encounter dragons highlighting how myths, legends and folktales about these mythical beasts were often rooted in the misidentification of fossilized bones long before the advent of modern science.
Price:5 500 FtDiscounted tickets are available to children, students, higher education students and pensioners based on old-age or other rights as well as to group of 10 (ten) or more. |
Price:3 900 Ft
Mandatory for children under 2 years old.
Price:400 FtThe additional ticket does not entitle you to entry. It can only be used together with a valid entrance ticket.
The experience is available exclusively for individuals aged 6 and above and with a height of at least 100 cm.
The Dino Safari brings to life the world of Earth 100-200 million years ago with the most advanced VR technology available today.
An unforgettable time travel adventure to the land of dinosaurs, where you can walk freely among the dinos and experience a prehistoric tour with the help of experienced guides.
Price:3 000 Ft
Őslény körút 16.

Őslény körút 16.
An Immersive Dinosaur Experience at the Biodome
The interest in dinosaurs have been unabated since British naturalist Richard Owen called a group of ancient reptiles by this name which means "terrible lizards". This is not surprising as these animals were the dominant life forms on Earth for millions of years. Researchers are uncovering more and more fossilized bones, and we are learning continuously not only about how these prehistoric creatures looked like, but also about how they lived, what they ate and how they cared for their offspring.
Since dinosaurs disappeared from the Earth around 65 million years ago, we can no longer see them alive. However, the exhibition at the Biodome entitled „Őslény körút 16.“ brings the age of dinosaurs to life with life-sized, moving and incredibly realistic models. Visitors are invited to an imaginary journey through time, introducing the most well-known and popular as well as some lesser-known prehistoric creatures. The exhibition also showcases dinosaurs whose fossils were discovered in the Carpathian Basin alongside dinosaurs’ contemporaries, the flying reptiles of the Mesosoic Era. The prehistoric experience is further enriched with an interactive excavation site and a variety of educational programs. It is an unique feature of the exhibition that visitors can also encounter dragons highlighting how myths, legends and folktales about these mythical beasts were often rooted in the misidentification of fossilized bones long before the advent of modern science.
Price:5 500 FtDiscounted tickets are available to children, students, higher education students and pensioners based on old-age or other rights as well as to group of 10 (ten) or more. |
Price:3 900 Ft
Mandatory for children under 2 years old.
Price:400 FtThe additional ticket does not entitle you to entry. It can only be used together with a valid entrance ticket.
The experience is available exclusively for individuals aged 6 and above and with a height of at least 100 cm.
The Dino Safari brings to life the world of Earth 100-200 million years ago with the most advanced VR technology available today.
An unforgettable time travel adventure to the land of dinosaurs, where you can walk freely among the dinos and experience a prehistoric tour with the help of experienced guides.
Price:3 000 Ft
over 18 years
Price:5 500 Ft2-18 years
Price:3 900 Ftunder 2 years
Price:400 Ftover 18 years
Price:3 900 Ftover 65 years
Price:3 900 Ft

over 18 years
Price:5 500 Ft2-18 years
Price:3 900 Ftunder 2 years
Price:400 Ftover 18 years
Price:3 900 Ftover 65 years
Price:3 900 Ft
Family Tickets
1 adult with 1 child (2-18 years)
Price:8 500 Ft1 adult with 2 children (2-18 years)
Price:11 600 Ft1 adult with 3 children (2-18 years)
Price:14 300 Ft1 adult with 4 children (2-18 years)
Price:16 900 Ft2 adults with 1 child (2-18 years)
Price:13 500 Ft2 adults with 2 children (2-18 years)
Price:16 300 Ft2 adults with 3 children (2-18 years)
Price:18 900 Ft2 adults with 4 children (2-18 years)
Price:21 300 FtMaximálisan 2 további felnőtt részére.
Price:5 000 Ftonly available with the 1+4 and 2+4 family ticket
Price:3 600 Ft
Family Tickets

Family Tickets
1 adult with 1 child (2-18 years)
Price:8 500 Ft1 adult with 2 children (2-18 years)
Price:11 600 Ft1 adult with 3 children (2-18 years)
Price:14 300 Ft1 adult with 4 children (2-18 years)
Price:16 900 Ft2 adults with 1 child (2-18 years)
Price:13 500 Ft2 adults with 2 children (2-18 years)
Price:16 300 Ft2 adults with 3 children (2-18 years)
Price:18 900 Ft2 adults with 4 children (2-18 years)
Price:21 300 FtMaximálisan 2 további felnőtt részére.
Price:5 000 Ftonly available with the 1+4 and 2+4 family ticket
Price:3 600 Ft
Special offers
Eligibility must be verified with a teacher's card upon entry!
Price:4 200 FtKedvezményes partneri jegy fogyatékossággal
élő emberek számára.
A jogosultságot a belépéskor tagkártyával
kell igazolni! (SINOSZ MVGYOSZ, MEOSZ,

Special offers

Special offers
Eligibility must be verified with a teacher's card upon entry!
Price:4 200 FtKedvezményes partneri jegy fogyatékossággal
élő emberek számára.
A jogosultságot a belépéskor tagkártyával
kell igazolni! (SINOSZ MVGYOSZ, MEOSZ,

Lepd meg szeretteidet állatkerti élményekkel!
Price:5 000 Ft.
Price:10 000 Ft.
Price:20 000 Ft
Lepd meg szeretteidet állatkerti élményekkel!

Lepd meg szeretteidet állatkerti élményekkel!
Price:5 000 Ft.
Price:10 000 Ft.
Price:20 000 Ft
over 18 years
Price:16 800 Ft2-18 years
Price:11 900 FtOnly with valid ISIC card.
Price:11 900 FtEntrance with valid ID card ( incl.photo ) over 65 years.
Price:11 900 FtThis pass contains only the photo of the child and hence the child can be accompanied by any adult family member, even by different family members each time. The child is the owner of the pass, so no person can use the pass in the child's absence.
Price:30 200 FtFor 1 adult and 1 child (2-18 years).
Price:25 900 FtFor 1 adult and 2 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence of the adult and at least one of his children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:35 400 FtFor 1 adult and 3 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence of the adult and at least one of his children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:43 600 FtFor 1 adult and 4 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence of the adult and at least one of his children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:51 500 FtFor 2 adults and 1 child (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and of his child. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:41 200 FtFor 2 adults and 2 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and one of their children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:49 700 FtFor 2 adults and 3 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and one of their children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:57 600 FtFor 2 adults and 4 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and one of their children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:65 000 Ft

over 18 years
Price:16 800 Ft2-18 years
Price:11 900 FtOnly with valid ISIC card.
Price:11 900 FtEntrance with valid ID card ( incl.photo ) over 65 years.
Price:11 900 FtThis pass contains only the photo of the child and hence the child can be accompanied by any adult family member, even by different family members each time. The child is the owner of the pass, so no person can use the pass in the child's absence.
Price:30 200 FtFor 1 adult and 1 child (2-18 years).
Price:25 900 FtFor 1 adult and 2 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence of the adult and at least one of his children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:35 400 FtFor 1 adult and 3 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence of the adult and at least one of his children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:43 600 FtFor 1 adult and 4 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence of the adult and at least one of his children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:51 500 FtFor 2 adults and 1 child (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and of his child. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:41 200 FtFor 2 adults and 2 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and one of their children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:49 700 FtFor 2 adults and 3 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and one of their children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:57 600 FtFor 2 adults and 4 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and one of their children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:65 000 Ft