
over 18 years
Price:5 500 Ft2-18 years
Price:3 900 Ftunder 2 years
Price:400 Ftover 18 years
Price:3 900 Ftover 65 years
Price:3 900 Ft

over 18 years
Price:5 500 Ft2-18 years
Price:3 900 Ftunder 2 years
Price:400 Ftover 18 years
Price:3 900 Ftover 65 years
Price:3 900 Ft
Family Tickets
1 adult with 1 child (2-18 years)
Price:8 500 Ft1 adult with 2 children (2-18 years)
Price:11 600 Ft1 adult with 3 children (2-18 years)
Price:14 300 Ft1 adult with 4 children (2-18 years)
Price:16 900 Ft2 adults with 1 child (2-18 years)
Price:13 500 Ft2 adults with 2 children (2-18 years)
Price:16 300 Ft2 adults with 3 children (2-18 years)
Price:18 900 Ft2 adults with 4 children (2-18 years)
Price:21 300 FtMaximálisan 2 további felnőtt részére.
Price:5 000 Ftonly available with the 1+4 and 2+4 family ticket
Price:3 600 Ft
Family Tickets

Family Tickets
1 adult with 1 child (2-18 years)
Price:8 500 Ft1 adult with 2 children (2-18 years)
Price:11 600 Ft1 adult with 3 children (2-18 years)
Price:14 300 Ft1 adult with 4 children (2-18 years)
Price:16 900 Ft2 adults with 1 child (2-18 years)
Price:13 500 Ft2 adults with 2 children (2-18 years)
Price:16 300 Ft2 adults with 3 children (2-18 years)
Price:18 900 Ft2 adults with 4 children (2-18 years)
Price:21 300 FtMaximálisan 2 további felnőtt részére.
Price:5 000 Ftonly available with the 1+4 and 2+4 family ticket
Price:3 600 Ft
Special offers
Eligibility must be verified with a teacher's card upon entry!
Price:4 200 FtKedvezményes partneri jegy fogyatékossággal
élő emberek számára.
A jogosultságot a belépéskor tagkártyával
kell igazolni! (SINOSZ MVGYOSZ, MEOSZ,

Special offers

Special offers
Eligibility must be verified with a teacher's card upon entry!
Price:4 200 FtKedvezményes partneri jegy fogyatékossággal
élő emberek számára.
A jogosultságot a belépéskor tagkártyával
kell igazolni! (SINOSZ MVGYOSZ, MEOSZ,

Lepd meg szeretteidet állatkerti élményekkel!
Price:5 000 Ft.
Price:10 000 Ft.
Price:20 000 Ft
Lepd meg szeretteidet állatkerti élményekkel!

Lepd meg szeretteidet állatkerti élményekkel!
Price:5 000 Ft.
Price:10 000 Ft.
Price:20 000 Ft
over 18 years
Price:16 800 Ft2-18 years
Price:11 900 FtOnly with valid ISIC card.
Price:11 900 FtEntrance with valid ID card ( incl.photo ) over 65 years.
Price:11 900 FtThis pass contains only the photo of the child and hence the child can be accompanied by any adult family member, even by different family members each time. The child is the owner of the pass, so no person can use the pass in the child's absence.
Price:30 200 FtFor 1 adult and 1 child (2-18 years).
Price:25 900 FtFor 1 adult and 2 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence of the adult and at least one of his children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:35 400 FtFor 1 adult and 3 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence of the adult and at least one of his children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:43 600 FtFor 1 adult and 4 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence of the adult and at least one of his children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:51 500 FtFor 2 adults and 1 child (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and of his child. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:41 200 FtFor 2 adults and 2 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and one of their children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:49 700 FtFor 2 adults and 3 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and one of their children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:57 600 FtFor 2 adults and 4 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and one of their children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:65 000 Ft

over 18 years
Price:16 800 Ft2-18 years
Price:11 900 FtOnly with valid ISIC card.
Price:11 900 FtEntrance with valid ID card ( incl.photo ) over 65 years.
Price:11 900 FtThis pass contains only the photo of the child and hence the child can be accompanied by any adult family member, even by different family members each time. The child is the owner of the pass, so no person can use the pass in the child's absence.
Price:30 200 FtFor 1 adult and 1 child (2-18 years).
Price:25 900 FtFor 1 adult and 2 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence of the adult and at least one of his children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:35 400 FtFor 1 adult and 3 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence of the adult and at least one of his children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:43 600 FtFor 1 adult and 4 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence of the adult and at least one of his children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:51 500 FtFor 2 adults and 1 child (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and of his child. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:41 200 FtFor 2 adults and 2 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and one of their children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:49 700 FtFor 2 adults and 3 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and one of their children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:57 600 FtFor 2 adults and 4 children (2-18 years) It can be used in the presence at least of one of the adults and one of their children. Cannot be transferred to another person.
Price:65 000 Ft